← Lehman Blue Coleman Dolomite (Glazy I →
Т,°С: -
α,10-7°С-1: 00.0
Si/Al: 0.00
↑↑, мл/дм2: 0
Создан пользователем ЛК
This base glaze is extremely responsive to colorants. Additions of 2–4% commercial stains produce bright colors. When using metallic oxides or carbonates, add 0.5–2% of these colorants.

For a slightly textured black, apply a thick layer. For a dark green with iron spotting, apply a thin layer.

For a fluid, dark green with iron spots, dip to apply a thin layer of Matte Glaze to the pot inside and out. Allow to dry overnight. Next, dip to apply a thin layer of the Gloss Black/Dark Green glaze. Quick dips yield a thin application, which prevents excessive running. Wax high on the foot to accommodate running. Fire slowly to cone 6. This glaze combination can produce a slight crackle.

This recipe was shared by Dane Hodges in the May/June 2020 issue of Pottery Making Illustrated.
ПК: 120
СРЕДА: Только окислительная
ОБЖИГ: Средний
БИБЛИОТЕКА: Рядовые гладкие
ИСТОЧНИК: Ceramic Recipes
Отклонения по ненулевым оксидам:
Li2O,CoO,Cr2O3,Fe2O3,Al2O3,Na2O,MnO,NiO,FeO,CuO,ZnO,BaO,SrO,CaO,MgO,K2O ±0.1m
V2O5,B2O3,PbO,TiO2,ZrO2,SnO2,P2O5 ±0.2m
SiO2 ±0.3m
LOI,SO3,F ±1m
Можно использовать этот состав как единый компонент в других составах. Компонент будет виден всем.